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After School Activity Clubs

Across the year at Greengate, our learning continues beyond the classroom  as we offer a variety of extra-curricular clubs. There are a variety of clubs on offer, as you can see from the list below, some are offered exclusively to particular year groups (based on age requirement etc) whereas others are open to all year groups – these details will be shared on the club letters that are sent out at the end of each half-term.

We ask that you please ensure your child has the correct kit/clothing as failure to provide this will result in your child not being able to take part. This is especially important for sports clubs. In wet weather, classroom sessions will be held instead.

We expect all our children to behave in extra-curricular clubs as they would during the school day. Should they not do so, they may lose their place. .

Children must be collected promptly at the stated finishing time. If somebody else is collecting your child, please ensure you let staff know beforehand. 


Watch this space for September 2024 club offer!